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Související témata: Kondice oboru Svět ALV


12.11. 2021 | Aktuálně

L 410 NG v letu_2.jpg

L 410 NG. New Generation by Aircraft Industries.

The Czech official participation in the largest aviation fair in the Middle East region will present nine companies at a joint stand and help connect them with the global aviation community. The Dubai Airshow stand will include a new generation of winged legend of Czech civil aviation, the L 410 NG from Kunovice. The L-39NG jet trainer, flagship of the Czech defence industry, will be presented at the Dubai Airshow for the first time by the new president of the Aero Vodochody, the largest aircraft factory in the Czech Republic.

The 17th edition of the Dubai Airshow, one of the most prestigious addresses for the gathering of global industry leaders, will take place from 14-18 November. It will attract 1,200 exhibitors from more than 60 countries to Dubai World Central Airport.

The Czech Official Participation (COP), organised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT), is accompanied by a robust campaign to promote the business interests of companies, which stands out significantly from the practice of standard industry "official events". Based on requests participated companies, the ministry has launched institutional lines to reach out to global aviation leaders and government authorities attending the Dubai Airshow, in addition to the normal provision of a joint stand. "I will support the interests of Czech aviation companies through personal participation and a series of meetings with key players on the global and regional scene. In Dubai, I will meet, among others, with Swedish SAAB, French Safran, British BAE Systems and American GE Aviation and Honeywell. To reach out to foreign partners, we are exploiting all possible channels and taking advantage of the synergies of cooperation with more than ten institutional partners," said Martina Tauberová, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, who will lead the ministerial delegation to the Dubai Airshow. The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Abu Dhabi and the CzechTrade Office in Dubai are the base for liaising with Emirati partners and foreign military delegations coming to the Dubai Airshow. 


Aero Vodochody AEROSPACE, Aircraft Industries, Galaxy GRS, CHARVÁT AXL, MESIT holding, OMNIPOL, PBS Velká Bíteš, UNIS and VRgineers - this is the list of companies that will be present at the joint stand of the Czech official participation at the Dubai Airshow. In terms of industry, these are manufacturers of military and civil aircraft, aircraft engines, landing gear and parachute systems, as well as providers of super-modern virtual systems and simulators for pilot training. The Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLU), MGM COMPRO, a manufacturer of electric power units, and component suppliers SEKO Aerospace and Jihostroj will also send their business teams to Dubai. 

The broad scope of the Czech exposition in Dubai will enable to show the comprehensive capabilities of the Czech aerospace industry and thus remind the world that the Czech Republic is one of only nine countries in the world that can develop and manufacture aircraft on its own territory. Such a representative sample of Czech companies is rarely found on one stand, as the different segments have different business interests. Dubai Airshow, however, combines both the civil and military aspects of the aviation industry and also touches on aerospace activities in the accompanying programme, thus attracting the global aviation community across the industry spectrum. 


Nejnovější články ze všech kategorií

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Letecký a kosmický průmysl hlásí vznik jednotné oborové asociace: Asociace leteckých a kosmických výrobců (ALV ČR) a Svaz českého leteckého průmyslu (SČLP) dokončily rok připravované sloučení. Za letecký průmysl a vesmírné technologie bude nově vystupovat Asociace leteckého a kosmického průmyslu ČR (ALKP).

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